By Alexandre Dumas. The story of Marguerite Gauthier, a Parisian courtesan who goes on a journey through worldliness, love, renunciation and atonement, thanks to the love of young Armand Duval
By Alexandre Dumas. The story of Marguerite Gauthier, a Parisian courtesan who goes on a journey through worldliness, love, renunciation and atonement.
DetailsBy Alexandre Dumas. Armand remembers his first meeting with Marguerite and the beginning of their passionate love affair.
DetailsArmand is unable to stand his mistress Marguerite being with other men, and takes rash action in a fit of jealousy.
DetailsArmand and Marguerite have escaped to a rural idyll, but their happiness is shattered when Armand's father begs his son to leave his mistress.
DetailsArmand finally reveals the hidden sacrifice that Marguerite made for him, and how nobly she acted for love.