Comedy series by Peter Tinniswood
A manipulative rogue threatens a family's harmony. Peter Tinniswood's bawdy comedy starring Bill Wallis. From April 1989.
DetailsFather enjoys a remarkable recovery, while Nancy makes a big decision over the old rogue. Stars Bill Wallis. From May 1989.
DetailsThrown out by his wife, the cordon bleu scoundrel moves into Nancy's house - uninvited. Stars Maurice Denham. From May 1989.
DetailsThe wily poacher's plans for a life of bliss with Nancy hit a snag. Stars Bill Wallis and Maurice Denham. From May 1989.
DetailsRosie's plan to live in London suits the old rogue, but where is Father plotting to go? Stars Maurice Denham and Bill Wallis.
DetailsNancy's brother and sister threaten to leave for London, and Father's started drinking again. Stars Bill Wallis. From May 1989.