
Waybuloo - Series 2 - Star

Logo for Waybuloo - Series 2 - Star

Animated series set in the magical land of Nara, inhabited by the joyful and gentle Piplings. Join Lau Lau, Yojojo, De Li and Nok Tok as they learn Yogo, meet children and have fun. Lau Lau finds a pretty star! She thinks it has fallen from the sky. Nok Tok and Yojojo use the Anything Machine to try and send it back. But De Li tells them it is only a starflower. So Lau Lau keeps it. She thinks it makes wishes come true. When the cheebies arrive they make Lau Lau a beautiful star shape. Lau Lau is thrilled, but she also wishes for a star up in the sky. So everything is gathered together, put into the Anything Machine and shot high into the sky. Lau Lau finally gets her wish!