Series set in the magical land of Nara, inhabited by the joyful and gentle Piplings. Join Lau Lau, Yojojo, De Li and Nok Tok as they learn Yogo, meet children and have fun. Nok Tok is dancing. He sees Lau Lau dancing too. He thinks her dance is much better than his so he tries to dance like Lau Lau, but he can't. Then he sees De Li dancing and tries to copy her dance. But he can't! So De Li teaches him slowly, step by step. When the cheebies arrive they all do De Li's dance. They dance faster and Nok Tok can't keep up. He trips and falls into a tanglesticky bush. As he tries to shake off the tanglesticky leaf stuck to his foot, the others copy him. Now Nok Tok has created his own dance, that everyone wants to do!