
Waybuloo - Series 1 - Green Mango

Logo for Waybuloo - Series 1 - Green Mango

Animated series set in the magical land of Nara, inhabited by the joyful and gentle Piplings. Join Lau Lau, Yojojo, De Li and Nok Tok as they learn Yogo, meet children and have fun. Yojojo loves mangoes. He picks one to share with Nok Tok but it tastes yucky! Yojojo doesn't know why. De Li tells Yojojo it isn't soft, so Nok Tok tries throwing it into the air, but it stays hard and still tastes bad. Then Lau Lau tells Yojojo it isn't yellow... so the cheebies try rubbing it with yellow leaves. But that doesn't help either! Finally De Li tells Yojojo everyone needs to wait for the mango to become ripe. So they all wait... and wait... until finally the mango is ready to eat. Everyone eats a piece and it's Waybuloo!