Animated series set in the magical land of Nara, inhabited by the joyful and gentle Piplings. Join Lau Lau, Yojojo, De Li and Nok Tok as they learn Yogo, meet children and have fun. It is the day of the Big Pipling Show. Nok Tok, Lau Lau and Yojojo each have a special trick. But De Li doesn't know what to do. When the cheebies arrive, they show De Li the special things that they can do too. De Li wants to do something different. She begins to think really hard about what it might be. As she thinks, she shuts one eye. A wink. One of the children notices and asks her to do it again. De Li winks at them another time. Everyone tries to copy her. But she's the only one of them who can do it! De Li has found her special trick. It is the grand finale of the Big Pipling Show!