
Trusadh - Series 1 - Am Fergie Beag Glas (The Little Grey Fergie)

Logo for Trusadh - Series 1 - Am Fergie Beag Glas (The Little Grey Fergie)

Tha am 'Ferguson TE20' air a bhith na ìomhaigh thuathanais airson còrr air seachdad bliadhna. Leis am far-ainm 'Am Fergie Beag Glas' neo 'Grey Fergie', bha an TE20 air a ' chruthachadh leis an innleadair Èireannach Harry Ferguson, mac tuathanach, a bha air a ' shàrachadh le obair trom an each 's a chrann. Ach, de an t-eòlas a th' againn air an duine smaoineachail seo agus carson a tha sinn cho measail air an tractar beag glas, a tha fhathast air a chleachdadh air feadh an t-saoghail? Tha Ailean Caimbeul a dol air turas airson faighinn a-mach. The Ferguson TE20 has been an iconic part of world farming for over 70 years. Fondly nicknamed as the 'Grey Fergie', the TE20 was the creation of Irish inventor Harry Ferguson, the son of an Irish farmer who was tired of the heavy, cumbersome work of the horse drawn plough. But what do we really know of Harry Ferguson and why has the Grey Fergie become a much loved icon and how after so many years is it still used daily on farms and crofts around the world? Allan Campbell takes us on a journey to find out.