
Tough Guy or Chicken? - Amazon

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Five young British men take on the challenge of a lifetime - to spend four months travelling the world, taking on some of the most deadly creatures and hostile places on the planet. The adventurers join boys of the Jaminawa tribe in the Brazilian Amazon and endure six days of a jungle initiation to become men. To succeed they must follow the rules of Jaminawa shaman Carlito, who has taught generations of boys the secrets of the jungle the hard way. The modern world is fast approaching the edge of Jaminawa territory, and Carlito is intent on keeping ancient traditions alive for the next generation. He is taking ten local village boys into the jungle to learn its secrets and commune with its spirits. For the first time, Carlito has agreed to take a group of outsiders. If the Brits are to emerge from the jungle as Jaminawa men they will have to do everything Carlito demands of them. It means taking strong hallucinogenic brews to enter the spirit world, involves hunting for crocodile and sacrificing a snake to obtain its secrets, and finally going through a trial-by-pain to atone for the snake's death. So far Ben and Easton have failed every task and this time they simply have to man-up. But since Nick conned his way through to the end of their previous challenge, the group of adventurers haven't exactly been best of friends. How will they cope when the pressure really builds up?