Comedy series by Christopher William Hill, set in 1962. A BBC producer struggles to make a radio soap set in the unimaginably futuristic world of 2008
Comedy series by Christopher William Hill, set in 1962. Prime Minister Harold Macmillan guest stars in the same week that the programme is infiltrated by a spy.
DetailsComedy series by Christopher William Hill, set in 1962. A BBC producer struggles to make a radio soap set in the futuristic world of 2008. Suspicious deaths provoke mixed reactions.
DetailsComedy series by Christopher William Hill, set in 1962. A BBC producer struggles to make a radio soap set in 2008. 4/6: Prey of the Bog Monster.
DetailsComedy series by Christopher William Hill, set in 1962. A BBC producer struggles to make a radio soap set in the unimaginably futuristic world of 2008. Writer Hugo defects to TV.
DetailsComedy by Christopher William Hill, set in 1962. With war imminent, the production relocates to Wales, but is it safer?
DetailsComedy series by Christopher William Hill, set in 1962. A BBC producer struggles to make a radio soap set in the futuristic world of 2008. An actress has to face her worst fear.