
Today - 18/02/2009

Logo for Today - 18/02/2009

Presented by John Humphrys and Evan Davis. Lord Ashdown discusses if he thinks more resources are needed in Afghanistan. Sir Allen Stanford has been charged by US authorities for investment fraud. Lawyer William Shepherd and cricket journalist Colin Croft discuss the impact this will have on cricket in the Caribbean. Head of the Metropolitan Police Authority Race and Faith Inquiry Cindy Butts discusses the inquiry into why black minority ethnic (BME) police officers are less likely to be promoted and more likely to leave the force earlier. Dr Jeffrey Sherwin, the founder of Leeds Civic Trust, remembers the poet Sir John Betjeman and his attitude to the city. Ian Brinkley of the Work Foundation and chief investment officer Richard Jeffrey discuss if emergency funding should be given to the manufacturing sector. Princess Alexandra Obolensky, niece of the rugby legend Prince Alexander Obolensky, discusses the impact the Russian made on the game. Thought for the day with Vaishnav Hindu teacher and theologian Akhandadhi Das. Jade Goody's publicist Max Clifford and Times columnist Matthew Parris discuss the continuing public fascination with the TV star. Dr Richard Stone, chief constable Stephen Otter and Uanu Seshmi discuss whether the police force is still institutionally racist. Economics editor Stephanie Flanders considers what effects the Sir Allen Stanford fraud case could have on cricket in England and the West Indies. Journalist Jonathan Glancey and Kate Bush, head of Barbican Art Galleries, discuss the enduring relevance of Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier. Director of the London School of Economics Howard Davies discusses the pressure being put on the authorities following Bernard Madoff's alleged $50bn fraud. Clinical psychologist Micheal Gallagher and inventor Sir James Dyson discuss if the economy is too reliant on the service sector. Tony Travers, of the London School of Economics, and columnist Simon Jenkins discuss why Britain remains so strongly centralised compared to other nations. A World War II soldier held captive by the Japanese for more than three years is publishing his wartime diary as he celebrates his 90th birthday. The POW in question, John Baxter, discusses his experiences. The Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe has been classified as low-risk and has been recommended for release, the Sun reports. Retired Detective Superintendent Chris Gregg discusses the claims.