Comedy sketch show featuring a range of bizarre characters. Starring Lucy Montgomery and Debbie Chazen
Female-led sketch show. Paula the twitching darter has a new boyfriend, the attention-seeking Italian lady visits a stately home and the semi-nude sewing group take a camping trip.
DetailsFemale-led sketch show. Tom Cruisin drops into a sweet shop with his sulky entourage, while Jackie teaches her gullible mate Nikki to speak French for a fiver in just one minute.
DetailsFemale-led sketch show. In the naked ladies campsite Val calls for an exercise class, and Tom Cruisin tries to play a round of crazy golf with his gang of childish bodyguards.
DetailsFemale-led sketch show. Plastic surgery victim Maxine Bendix tries her luck at a local beauty contest and the ladies darts team hold a very special auction in their club.
DetailsFemale-led sketch show. The Darters leave their club and hit the road for a mystery trip in Tony's special caravan, while Tom Cruisin takes his bodyguards to a chippy.
DetailsFemale-led sketch show. The ladies who love to watch uneducated men horsing around make a shocking discovery in the countryside. Darter Anne leaves captain Paula speechless.