Critically acclaimed crime drama series telling the story of a single drugs-and-murder police investigation from the point of view of the police and their targets
Critically acclaimed crime drama series. Burrell is feeling heat from Councilman Carcetti and reaches an uneasy peace with the legislator.
DetailsCritically acclaimed drama series. Residents at a community meeting get some surprising straight talk from Major Colvin, and Bubbles finds gainful employment.
DetailsCritically acclaimed drama series. Herc is suprised to discover a blast from his past. Stringer is furious that Brianna wants to contact McNulty about her son's death.
DetailsCritically acclaimed crime drama series. Omar plans a stick-up and Colvin has a radical plan he's keeping secret from his bosses.
DetailsCritically acclaimed drama series. Stringer Bell gets a lesson in construction management. Colvin unleashes the troops on the corner boys ignoring his new edict.
DetailsCritically acclaimed drama series. While Stringer and Avon reminisce on how far they've come, the police wire begins to yield information about them.
DetailsCritically acclaimed drama series. In the season finale, Avon readies his troops for war with Marlo while the police round up their investigation.
DetailsCritically acclaimed drama series. Colvin begins to see the benefits of his Amsterdam plan. Greggs and McNulty go on a road trip after a tip-off from Prez.
DetailsCritically acclaimed drama series. While Marlo raises the stakes against the Barksdale gang, Stringer is given an ultimatum by Prop Joe and the Co-op.
DetailsCritically acclaimed drama series. A long-standing agreement not to shoot people on Sundays is violated. Brianna seeks answers from Avon and Stringer.
DetailsCritically acclaimed drama series. Colvin delivers a message to the next level of corner management, and McNulty sees another side to Stringer Bell.
DetailsCritically acclaimed crime drama series. As the Franklin Terrace towers are demolished, the Barksdale crew look for new places to sell their drugs.