
The Restaurant - Series 2 - Opening Night

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The couples have now got the keys to their restaurants. Tonight, they discover what these keys will unlock for them. The empty restaurants vary in style: from a thatched country pub to a sleek glass London showcase. But each couple must take what they find and make it their own. Everything must be decided and organised, from restaurant names to the décor - and of course, the menus. And there's only one week before opening night. The chefs must prove that they can plan and run a busy commercial kitchen. Their partners have to pull in the bookings and keep customers happy, no matter what's going on backstage. And Raymond's inspectors, Sarah Willingham and David Moore are on hand to watch, ready to report back to Raymond. The couples don't know whether they have what it takes until 7pm on opening night. What happens could decide who stays in business and who packs up to go home.