
The Nolan Show - 12/06/2009

Logo for The Nolan Show - 12/06/2009

Nearly a year on and some of the residents effected by last summers flooding are still out of their homes and now they face another problem, their home insurance premiums were the same, but in some cases the excess was up by £7500.The insurance companies will not review this unless Government agencies come up with a plan to stop any future flooding. Would you stop for a hitchhiker? A new survey reveals that three quarters of drivers would not stop to pick someone up from the roadside and even more people in Northern Ireland would just drive on. The Independent's Travel editor Simon Calder is a regular hitchhiker and wrote a book about his experiences and BBC Radio Ulster's Business reporter Eddies O'Gorman is a veteran hitchhiker and tells of his experiences. Women have suspected it for years and now research has proved that a man's shed is the only place at home he can unwind, we hear what you get up to in yours. Also new Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth has been advised to shave his moustache off - after becoming the first Labour Cabinet Member with a 'tache for 40 years. So is there a place for "taches" today or are they fashion disasters?