
The NHS at 60 - National Doctors

Logo for The NHS at 60 - National Doctors

Chris Bowlby looks at the constantly changing role and reputation of doctors over the sixty-year history of the NHS

logo for The NHS at 60 - National Doctors - A Difficult Birth
The NHS at 60 - National Doctors - A Difficult Birth

Chris Bowlby explores how the struggle for control between doctors - the key figures in health care - and politicians and patients has shaped 60 years of NHS history.

logo for The NHS at 60 - National Doctors - Adolescent Angst
The NHS at 60 - National Doctors - Adolescent Angst

Chris Bowlby explores who actually runs the NHS. That question was hugely important in the 1970s and 80s and remains highly relevant today.

logo for The NHS at 60 - National Doctors - Middle Age Crisis?
The NHS at 60 - National Doctors - Middle Age Crisis?

The NHS is changing rapidly - where does it leave the doctors? Chris Bowlby asks, is the traditional doctor doomed?
