Lucie Skeaping explores the often forgotten world of the Elizabethan stage jig - a popular form of bawdy musical comedy from the 16th and 17th century. The crowds who flocked to the London playhouses in the late 16th and early 17th century expected to be amused and amazed. Mostly, they got their money's worth because not only could they see a drama, a comedy or some great tragedy, but if they stayed on after the play had ended, they would also be treated to a short farce - a rude, lewd and outrageous musical entertainment known as a jig. Playlist: Trad: Jog on The King's Noyse HARMONIA MUNDI HMU907101 Tr 7 William Kemp (?): Singing Simpkin: Blind Cupid hath made City Waites HYPERION CDA67754 Tr 13 Playford: Goddesses/Jamaica Dufay Collective CHANDOS CHAN9446 Tr 15 Trad: As ye came from Walsingham (The Black Man jig) HYPERION CDA67754 Tr 4 (excerpt) Segue: Byrd: Walsingham variations Davitt Moroney HYPERION CDA66558 Tr 14 John Johnson: Galliard to the Flat Pavan Shirley Rumsey (lute) NAXOS 8550776 Tr 21 Robert Johnson: Hark Hark the Lark The Gesualdo Consort CANTORIS CRCD6017 Tr 8 Segue: Robert Johnson: Full Fathom Five Julianne Baird/Ronn McFarlane (lute) Dorian DOR90109 Tr 9 Segue: Robert Johnson: Where the Bee Sucks The Broadside Band SAYDISC CDSDL409 Tr 2 Trad: Stingo Musicians of Swan Alley VIRGIN CLASSICS VC7907892 Tr 4 Trad: Pell Mell (playford) Dufay Collective CHANDOS CHAN9446 Tr 21 Trad: The Black Man (cont...) City Waites HYPERION CDA67754 Trs 7-11 Jan Janz Starter: Zingende klucht van Lijsje Flepkous (excerpt) Camerata Trajectina GLOBE GLO 6062 Trs 26-29