
The Early Music Show - 11th-Century Fraud - Ademar's Apostolic Mass

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Lucie Skeaping explores the extraordinary story behind the earliest-known medieval composer for whom a compositional autograph survives: Ademar de Chabannes and his 11th-century Mass for St Martial. Playlist: Ademar de Chabannes: Troped Apostolic Mass for Saint Martial, 1029 New York's Ensemble for Early Music Frederick Renz (director) EX CATHEDRA EC-9002 All music excerpts taken from the above CD: Introit Plebs devota Deo; Sanctus Martialis Trs 1 and 5 Introit Christi discipulus Tr 6 Kyrie; Gloria Trs 7-8 Alleluia; Sequence; Offertory Trs 10-12 Sanctus; Agnus Dei; Comunion; Ite Missa Est Trs 14-17.