Drama serial based on `The Demon Headmaster Strikes Again' by Gillian Cross
The headmaster turns to genetic engineering to gain revenge over Dinah.
DetailsDrama serial. Rose embarks on her plan to drive a wedge between Dinah and her adopted brothers.
DetailsDrama serial. After Simon and Dinah's midnight visit to the BRC, Lloyd has gone missing.
DetailsLloyd lies in a coma. Dinah notices a reaction when a fly buzzes near him. No-one else sees the reaction, and they say she is wrong. Simon examines the wood he and Dinah found.
DetailsSimon has found his way into the BRC and into big trouble.
DetailsDrama serial. The egg hatches. Demon Headmaster persuades Mrs Hunter to bring Dinah to the BRC, and his trap is set.
DetailsEve is programmed and Dinah has begun her quest to help Lloyd as the final contest begins.