
The Daily Politics - 22/10/2009

Logo for The Daily Politics - 22/10/2009

A national postal strike started this morning. 120,000 Communication Workers Union staff will walk out over the next couple of days. We will have the latest on the strike and we will be talking to the former Business Secretary, John Hutton, about what next for the Royal Mail and just how damaging this strike is for the government. Does the name John Maynard Keynes ring a bell? Gordon Brown credits this famous economist as the man whose theories saved the world's economies. But just what does Keynsian economics mean and was it really the massive fiscal stimulus that pulled us out of recession? We will be discussing that with Keynes' biographer, Robert Skidelsky. Any of you who listen to music on the Spotify website may be in for a bit of a shock because you will not just be hearing the musician of your choice. No you will also get to hear the dulcet tones of the Conservative Chairman, Eric Pickles. The Conservatives' have placed an advert attacking Labour's economic record on the website. Is this an effective campaigning tool or an annoying gimmick? We will be analysing whether politicians are harnessing the power of the internet properly.