
The Daily Politics - 19/11/2009

Logo for The Daily Politics - 19/11/2009

In the wake of the Queen's Speech representatives of all three of the main Westminster parties are on the programme. Less than seven minutes and 13 bills but is the Queen's Speech already unravelling? The Tories accuse the government of failing to tackle MPs' expenses by not including any legislation on them in the speech. And one Labour peer says that the new elderly care bill was 'one of the most irresponsible acts to be put forward by a prime minister in the recent history of this country'. We examine the fallout from the Queen's Speech. The new European President is due to be unveiled. Amid frantic last-minute negotiations and anger over a Franco-German stitch up the name of Tony Blair has re-emerged as a possibility. We look at the candidates and ask whether it is unpatriotic not to support the former British PM. And Hamid Karzai was has been sworn in for his second term as President of Afghanistan. He has promised to clean up corruption in his government and pledged that Afghan forces would be able to take control of the country's security in the next five years. We discuss whether that is possible.