
The Chris Moyles Show - Wednesday

Logo for The Chris Moyles Show - Wednesday

06:35 (00:05) – We talk Leeds United from last night and their upcoming FA cup tie against Manchester United, and also Back to the Future 3 and Malibu Shark Attack which Dave watched last night. Chris tells us about his punishing work out at the gym yesterday, and in contrast Dave went to the gym and cancelled his membership. Chris works out how much he’s spent in not going this last year. Somewhere in the region of £500. Dom stupidly joined a gym the other day and we reckon he might go a maximum of 2 times between now and January when we come back after our hols. 07:00 (00:30) – We switch on the first camera with Billy dancing in reception 07:05 (00:35) – Dave now legs it around the building trying to be on every camera as they’re switched on. It doesn’t tire him out at all in fact 07:20 (00:50) – We have a game of guess the panto star. Everybody guesses Brian Blessed on the first clip, except Dave who needs to get to clip 5 before he knows 07:45 (01:15) – As part of Radio 1’s Access All Areas week, Aled will today be tweetin’ from the meetin’ that decides which songs go on the playlist this week. Should be an interesting insight 07:50 (01:20) – We further debate the playlist process and ask the big questions on everybody’s lips, how does Nickleback get on the playlist? 08:05 (01:35) – Chris does some incredible crash zoom camera work during the news and sport, and then Chris showcases his new repertoire of impressions: Michael Parkinson, Prince Charles and Michael McIntyre 08:20 (01:50) – We do our calendar giveaway and we cross live to Edinburgh and talk to Claire from Shetland 08:35 (02:05) – Carrie loses it during the sport 08:40 (02:10) – We check in with Claire who’s only got another 15 calendars left. Jake Humphrey is here and we’ll talk to him after this 08:45 (02:15) – Jake part one – We ask him how he got into showbusiness and how he’s weirdly connected to pretty much every member of the showteam or their families 09:00 (02:30) – Tedious Link: Cameo – 'Word Up' 09:10 (02:40) – Jake part two – who’s going to win BBC Sports Personality Of The Year 09:45 (03:15) – Carpark Catchphrase with Paula and Craig. It’s a dead heat so they’re both back on Monday 10:00 (03:30) – Fearne is wondering what to wear tonight at the Christmas Party