
The Archers - 29/03/2009

Logo for The Archers - 29/03/2009

Jennifer's enjoying having Debbie around. She confides to her that the Matt situation's a mess, and will only get worse. Debbie advises her not to worry about what other people think. Lilian will bounce back, and Matt should back Brian so everyone knows he's not implicated. Though Debbie acknowledges it must be hard for Brian. At least she's responsible to Borchester Land and not just to Matt. She can't believe he hasn't resigned yet; it compromises BL's position. At their meeting, Debbie suggests resignation to Matt, but he's having none of it. Matt still can't get hold of Annabelle. Lilian warns him that Annabelle won't be the only fair-weather friend. He admits most of the board are cold shouldering him; he's lucky to have Lilian. Finally Matt hears from Chalkman, and has a go at him for disappearing and leaving Matt to face the music alone. Chalkman insists it was for the best; he has a plan. However when he realises Matt may have sold him out his attitude changes and he makes a veiled threat, hanging up abruptly. Matt tells Lilian grimly that if Chalky does come back he doubts it will be to talk to the police. Episode written by Mary Cutler.