
The Archers - 28/10/2010

Logo for The Archers - 28/10/2010

Kate overhears Jennifer expressing her doubts about Felpersham University. Kate's plans to entertain Phoebe this evening also annoy Jennifer, who's feeling overrun. She wishes Kate would help out more, especially with Ruairi. Overhearing the row, Ruairi asks if he's in trouble. Kate reassures him he's not, before Jennifer apologises to Kate. Agreeing to be more helpful, Kate offers to sort out the food for Ruairi's birthday party. Pip admits to Ruth she hasn't made up her mind between university and agricultural college yet. The deadline for uni applications is January. Meanwhile, Bert's tractor has broken down in the middle of his latest ploughing match. As David heads over to help, Brian nabs him and they quickly discuss plans for the market. David also gets an emergency call from Ruth. One of the cows is nearly unconscious with milk fever. He'd better bring a bottle of calcium, fast. Later, David and Pip go over some driving theory questions. David can't help embarrassing Pip by telling Ruth about her "date" for the dance. Alone, Ruth and David discuss their concerns regarding Pip's university application. She hasn't done enough preparation. It looks like they're going to have to help her make up her mind.