Matt tells David he's going up North for a few weeks to do a bit of business. David wishes him luck, and tells Ruth he feels sorry for Matt. Ruth agrees he can't be having an easy time. David's busy but Ruth thinks he should still go on Thursday's farm walk. David agrees it'll be a chance to relax - something he can't do at cricket since Adam took over. He yearns for the halcyon days of Alistair's captaincy. David's decided he wants to celebrate his 50th birthday with a family holiday abroad, if they can find someone to look after the farm. It's too much for Phil and Jill, and Ruth's not sure about Eddie. They won't tell the kids until it's sorted. Tom's looking for volunteers for carrot weeding and Annette's happy to help. She gets a call from Jazzer who sweet-talks her into going out tonight. Helen's surprised when Annette decides not to wear Helen's dress for her night out with Alice, and can't believe it when Annette blurts out that she's going out with Jazzer instead. She tells Helen not to wait up! Episode written by Carole Simpson Solazzo.