
The Archers - 27/08/2008

Logo for The Archers - 27/08/2008

Ed and Emma are having a picnic in the garden with George, and they chat about ways to help boost Mike's sales. Emma mentions that they have the house to themselves tonight, and suggests to Ed that he could stay over. It's Usha's Hindu wedding day and Auntie Satya is providing comfort and fuss in equal measure. The ceremony goes off without a hitch, and later in a quiet moment Alan fills Usha in on the accident with David's tractor. The pair talk fondly of their day, and of their love for each other. Susan's intrigued by the customs at the Hindu ceremony, but Neil's dreading what faux pas she will make next. He's aghast when she raises the subject of the digester meeting with Ruth. As she's been less than diplomatic with the priest, Neil is keen to wrest Susan away from Satya before she puts her foot in it again. Neil hopes tomorrow's crowd at the diploma ceremony are as nice as the people today have been. He's surprised it's going to be such a formal affair. But Susan says Christopher deserves a big occasion and she can't wait. It'll be fantastic. Episode written by Carole Simpson Solazzo.