
The Archers - 26/08/2010

Logo for The Archers - 26/08/2010

In the memorial gardens, Lynda demonstrates a handy trick for sowing seeds. Lynda and Elizabeth discuss the recent littering, the upcoming steam rally, and the children. Elizabeth hopes Freddie and Lily will settle to boarding school next year. Lynda misses Oscar, although they chat on Skype. Susan's bought a tagine, and plans a dummy run of her meal. Meanwhile, Lynda requires Eddie's help in dealing with some B&B guests who are expanding in number. She's looking forward to the local food day next Thursday. Susan reminds her there's lots of spare veg at the shop. David deals with limping cattle. Broken glass is to blame. Ruth mentions that Eddie's after a ticket to the Dairy Event - supposedly for self improvement. Eddie ups the pressure, asking if Ed can come as well. Looks like they'll be paying for Ed's ticket too. Emma shares some ideas for the baby change room at Lower Loxley. Elizabeth's thrown when Lily says Freddie hates the idea of going to boarding school. Ed prepares Emma a special meal with artichokes. They're interrupted though by a panicked Susan, who needs someone to test her lamb on. Reluctant Emma tastes the dish, and promptly suggests starting again.