
The Archers - 25/08/2010

Logo for The Archers - 25/08/2010

Ed's impressed by Tom's new mower conditioner, and suggests Tony could use it to do some silaging for him. Helen's keen to have a low-tech birth, although she appreciates Tony's sentiment when he favours state-of-the-art Felpersham Hospital. Pat reminds Tony that while Helen's conception may not have been natural, the pregnancy is - and so the birth should be. As Helen rearranges Ambridge Organics for the cookery demonstration, Kirsty reports press interest in the Arkwright Lake hide. She also observes that Helen looks tired. Tony gives Jamie pointers at net practice, careful not to step on Alistair's toes. Will's a bit defensive when Tony mentions Nic's popularity with Bull locals. As they discuss the pub, Tony admits he's in the dark over Lilian's plans. Over a glass of wine with Pat, Kathy feels she and Jamie have turned a corner. Her getting upset last week affected him, and he's making a real effort. She's also encouraged that Kenton has agreed to come to the golf club dinner dance. However, Kirsty tells Helen that Kenton's dreading the event. Kirsty finally gets hold of a contact for Ed, although Kenton doesn't think there will be any artichokes available. Ed vows to find them, somehow.