
The Archers - 25/01/2010

Logo for The Archers - 25/01/2010

Helen and Annette wait anxiously at the abortion clinic. When Annette is called through, Helen phones Pat. Pat senses Helen's anxiety but Helen insists everything's fine - she just wanted to tell Pat that she loves her. Annette's relieved the first part of her abortion is over but now she just has to wait for the next pill in a couple of days. Jim's offer for 'Greenacres' has been accepted. Joe tells him how the Old Police House was burnt down in an arson attack. Jim wants to hear more, and invites Joe to join him as the agent shows him round again. Joe suggests Jim gets Eddie, rather than Robert, to do the necessary woodwork. Eddie's disappointed that Tony has no work for him. Clarrie's sure something will turn up. Joe tells Eddie that Jim needs some woodwork done but Eddie reckons Jim will want a proper carpenter once he learns that woodwork isn't Eddie's proper thing. Joe tells Eddie to give Jim the impression that he is professional and the job will be his. Eddie's grateful to Joe - the way things are going at the moment it is probably the best offer he can get! Episode written by Joanna Toye.