
The Archers - 23/11/2008

Logo for The Archers - 23/11/2008

It's Stir Up Sunday and Elizabeth has invited Hayley round with the children to experience the Brookfield tradition. The children enjoy it to the full, and Elizabeth is convinced it's all much more chaotic than it ever was when her mum was in charge. Then she remembers Kenton and David squabbling and flicking the fruit around. Their slapstick routine for the panto will come naturally. The family have come round to help tidy up Peggy and Jack's garden for the winter - there are a lot of leaves down and they don't want anyone slipping. It's a breezy day, but they enjoy it. Peggy feels very grateful to everyone. Tom keeps going until dusk falls, and Peggy looks forward to a good night's sleep after all the fresh air. It's not to be, though - a crash in the garden in the middle of the night wakes and frightens Jack. Peggy calls Tony. She asks him to come and see what's happened and help calm Jack down. Episode written by Joanna Toye.