
The Archers - 23/09/2009

Logo for The Archers - 23/09/2009

Wayne's feeling pleased with himself. He's going to be Neville Booth's lodger, right here in the village. It's not what Jolene wanted but it'll do until he finds somewhere better. Kenton and Jim are in a quiet country pub. Kenton can see potential - just like he'd done for Jaxx. Jim's impressed by Kenton's plans and can't understand why Kathy was so against them. Back at the Bull, Jim gets collared by Annette, who gives him a blow-by-blow account of the latest man in her life - Max. Wayne and Jolene return from Felpersham with Wayne's entire record collection. Neville's a big jazz and blues fan too. Wayne invites Kenton and Jim round to Neville's one evening, for a listening session. Peggy's outraged that the agency have sent a different carer. The agency insist they would never have promised a regular carer but will try to send someone familiar on Friday. Jennifer and Lilian do their best to convince Peggy she needs this help. But Peggy doesn't think it's going to work, especially when she learns that today's carer, Dennis, doesn't work on Fridays. When she hears that Brigitta can't come again either, Peggy insists she's going to cancel the contract. Episode written by Mary Cutler.