
The Archers - 23/07/2007

Logo for The Archers - 23/07/2007

Alice goes for a ride with Lilian, and they have a good time - Lilian is very supportive of Alice's RAF plans. No news yet of Kate's imminent baby. Alice tells Lilian that Alan is finding it challenging living with two teenage girls - just the sheer quantity of shoes, for a start. And the mobile phones.... They both enjoy the chat until Brian arrives, and Alice absents herself as quickly as she can. Lilian asks him how Jennifer is, but he makes light of her trials yesterday at the fete. Adam and Ian, with Ruairi in tow, survey the soggy Maize Maze and hope they can open it at the end of the week, if they're lucky. When they bring Ruairi back to Home Farm, Brian is nonplussed to find that he's been with Adam and Ian. Ian tries to talk to Brian about it, and Brian says he doesn't like Ruairi being with different people all the time - it's unsettling for him. Ian knows full well what Brian is thinking, and stresses that they really enjoy looking after Ruairi. Ruairi wants to go to the park with Adam and Ian, and Brian reluctantly says yes. Episode written by Adrian Flynn.