
The Archers - 21/08/2008

Logo for The Archers - 21/08/2008

Alice is looking after Abbie while Hayley goes to Marjorie's funeral. The service is lovely, and there's a huge turnout. Hayley's meeting Brenda later, at an old school friend's hen party, and Brenda invites Alice to join them. As they get ready for the party, Alice tells them about her experience with Chris, and how amazing he's been. Usha's heard from Amy that Mabel might be relenting a bit. She might even come to the wedding. But for now Usha hopes David and Neil aren't plotting awful things for Alan's stag do tonight. David assures her that with Neil as organiser it'll be a sober affair. Brenda's friend's hen party just happens to bump into Alan's stag party. The ladies are all dressed as angels and Neil's got all the men to dress up as vicars - including Alan! What a sight! The hen party ends up in a club but it gets a bit boring so Brenda comes up with a plan. They track down the stag party and join them at their karaoke in a Chinese restaurant. Everyone's having great fun and they all get together on stage to sing especially for Alan: 'Don't Stop Me Now...' Episode written by Joanna Toye.