
The Archers - 21/06/2010

Logo for The Archers - 21/06/2010

Lilian's off to help at the Bull. She hasn't had time to get information on a property but assures Matt she'll do it tomorrow. Once she's gone, Matt phones Brenda and offers her a job with Amside as a PA/business development executive. Brenda's cautious, and asks to see a full job description. Lilian's annoyed at Matt for offering Brenda a job without consulting her but Matt convinces Lilian that an office girl will free her up to concentrate on her real strengths. Lilian just isn't impressed by the thought of it being Brenda. Brian shows Benedict Wheeler and his young, second wife Amanda round the farm. Brian accidentally calls Amanda Amelia (Benedict's first wife) but recovers smoothly. After dinner, Brian steers the conversation round to the new livestock market. Benedict admits Rodways don't really want to take on such a big project. Brian suggests possible alternatives and establishes that Rodways would happily remain tenants rather than owners, although Benedict sees this as wishful thinking. Jennifer presumes that Borchester Land will start looking for a new site for the cattle market. Brian knows it's a long shot, but potentially very lucrative - so Jennifer mustn't breathe a word to anyone about it yet.