
The Archers - 19/05/2008

Logo for The Archers - 19/05/2008

Ed remarks that the cows see Alistair's TB tests as part of their routine now. Tony understands what Oliver's going through, and agrees that mineral depletion in badgers could be at the root of the TB problem. Having read about someone who's escaped TB by giving supplements to his cattle and a mineral and molasses mix to the local badger sett, Tony agrees it's worth investigating. The transition meeting goes well. The steering committee will be Caroline, Kathy, Nigel, Pat and probably Oliver, with Lynda as committee secretary. Tony's confident they'll get more volunteers as word gets around. Jill's concerned that Shula felt too awkward to attend last night's talk. Shula insists she simply didn't have time. A horse owner praises Shula for speaking out in the Echo because it raises important questions about faith. Shula's pleased that someone finally agrees with her, until Mrs Lane announces it's good to see someone take a stand against 'these people'. Shula realises the woman's a racist and clearly believes Shula is too. Shula's mortified - what if everyone thinks the same? Alistair assures her that no-one who really knows Shula would think that. But Shula fears that if Mrs Lane does, then others could too. Episode written by Adrian Flynn.