
The Archers - 19/02/2007

Logo for The Archers - 19/02/2007

Kathy gets frustrated when she tries to talk to Elizabeth about refurbishing the shop. Kathy's convinced that that some changes in the layout could up profits in the long run, but Elizabeth isn't really listening: she's more concerned about Nigel, who has cycled into Borchester in bad weather, having sold his car. An irritated Elizabeth tells Kathy that a face-lift for the shop isn't a priority at the moment, and heads off to the house when Kenton tells her that he stopped to pick up Nigel when he saw him fixing a puncture by the side of the road - and that Nigel has actually been home for a while. Susan is pleased to have Christopher home, and is keen to hear his stories from the slopes. However, it soon becomes clear that Christopher's time with an upper-class family has rubbed off on him, and he's soon picking up his own family on their habits and table manners. Emma and Neil are especially unimpressed - especially when Susan invites Venetia to join them for a family meal for the Carters' anniversary next week.