
The Archers - 16/08/2010

Logo for The Archers - 16/08/2010

At April Cottage, Kathy and Kenton try to be civil with each other but can't help arguing. Kenton thinks Jamie isn't spending enough time outdoors. He should get more involved with the cricket team. Kathy insists she's doing her best with him, but getting nowhere. Susan's unsure about what to wear for Alice and Chris's party, taking her duties as mother of the groom ultra-seriously. She visits Jennifer and is relieved that the mother of the bride won't be dressing too formally. Meanwhile, Jennifer is alarmed at the Carters' expansive guest list. Chris and Neil bond over a shopping trip to find Neil an outfit. Neil's worried about making a speech at the party and doesn't want to let Chris down. He gives Chris some fatherly advice on marriage. Chris acknowledges that it's all down to Susan and Neil that he knows what a good marriage requires. At the golf club, Kathy struggles to recruit temporary staff. She asks Kenton to look after Jamie in the evenings so she can work the extra shifts herself. However, Kenton says Jamie doesn't want babysitting and he tells Kathy to chill out and back off.