
The Archers - 16/05/2010

Logo for The Archers - 16/05/2010

Alistair is trying to get more takers for the single wicket, as they are a dozen short for the competition. Brenda tells him she and Tom can't play this year; Tom's too busy and she's just started a new job in Leicester. Alistair tries to persuade Ed to enter, but after commenting on Harry's crafty move in putting down the Bull as his Ambridge address, he also says no. Alistair hopes that Harry's new blog about the single wicket might inspire more entrants. Vicky is still looking for buyers for the veal calves but hasn't got any definite orders, other than the interest from Grey Gables. Ed wants to her to give up the idea. Vicky agrees that Ed shouldn't take on any more calves at the moment, and if the present seven calves sell at a shortfall she'll make up the money herself, but she wants to try other avenues before throwing in the towel. Ed reluctantly agrees. Vicky sets up a meeting with Tom to pitch her ideas. Matt, who gets out of prison this week, apologizes to Lilian. He's not trying to steamroller her about the business and he's looking forward to coming home to her.