
The Archers - 15/06/2008

Logo for The Archers - 15/06/2008

Susan's concerned about George's tantrums. Jennifer puts them down to his age. Jennifer agrees to talk at the first Ambridge Swap Club meting about how people can participate via the village website and Jill agrees to talk about keeping hens Lilian tells Jennifer that Matt's adopted. Jennifer thinks this explains why he's so proud of being a self-made man but can't see why he kept his adoption secret.. Lilian thinks he's hiding a lot of hurt and if she found out the truth he might be relieved.. Jennifer doesn't think Lilian should go behind his back. Learning that Pip's invited her mum's close friends to tomorrow's surprise party, David's worried there won't be enough food. Pip assures him it'll be fine - Lynda and Caroline have already brought some food round. David points out they're hardly close friends but Pip's unconcerned. Jill thinks it's lovely everyone wants to celebrate Ruth's birthday. But when David points out that Ruth just wanted a quiet night in Jill agrees that Pip might have been over-enthusiastic with her guest list. Jill's concern is heightened when she learns that Pip asked Susan to spread the word about the party, especially when Susan confirms that she's told everyone. Episode written by Mary Cutler.