
The Archers - 14/10/2008

Logo for The Archers - 14/10/2008

There's panic at The Dower House - the fire alarm has gone off. Matt tells Jack that someone had left toast under the grill. After Matt's ineffective efforts that morning, Lilian is getting a confused Jack ready for his visit to hospital. He refuses to wear Matt's gaudy tie, saying he looks like a spiv. Peggy is delighted to see Jack looking so smart, but she's worried about him and wants to come home. Lilian reassures her that Matt has been marvellous and Jack's no trouble. Recently dumped Izzy is staying with Pip overnight. She's bored traipsing across a field checking cows with Pip, and can't understand why they're there. That evening in Pip's bedroom, Izzy drops her bombshell. She's convinced she's pregnant. Pip can't believe what she's hearing. She insists that Izzy doesn't keep the baby, as it will ruin her life and result in a dead end job. Realising how harsh she has been she offers to go with Izzy to the clinic for an abortion. Izzy's appalled. She plugs in her MP3 player and sticks on her headphones. She might be stuck at Brookfield for the night, but it doesn't mean she has to talk to Pip ... ever again. Episode written by Adrian Flynn.