
The Archers - 14/10/2007

Logo for The Archers - 14/10/2007

Competition is fierce at the fishing competition but mainly between the parents and grandparents. When Jill hears Phoebe announcing that she's going to win, Jill's determined that Josh will beat her. Jill can't help feeling smug when Josh catches a whopper but when Phoebe wins, even Jill admits she really is good. Ed's keeping busy to take his mind off things. Jazzer can't work out what's wrong - especially when Ed refuses to go to the Bull. Mike suggests they go the angling club's barbecue instead. Tony's busy collecting loose change for charity when they turn up but Ed's still not himself. Jazzer explains that Ed thinks mean and moody is a cool look. Kirsty's desperate to know how Friday went. Fallon doesn't want to talk but eventually admits it was a total disaster. Kirsty tells Ed that Fallon feels awful and wants him to show Fallon that everything's still fine; they can still be mates. But it's not that simple for Ed. Kirsty wishes she'd never pushed Fallon into telling Ed how she felt but Fallon doesn't blame her. She just wishes she could undo it all. Everything Fallon was afraid of has happened. She's totally blown everything now.