
The Archers - 13/11/2007

Logo for The Archers - 13/11/2007

Alistair is up at Brookfield to look at a ewe. He finds David using Tony's old metal detector to try and find his phone in the mud by the gate where he dropped it yesterday. It's not so much the phone as the numbers on the SIM card worrying David - he's got loads on there - but all he's finding is rubbish. Alistair has a go, and finds the phone straight away, just as David is distracted by the sight of the new bull pushing down a fence post with his head. It was him all along. Elizabeth is fussing about getting everything right for Jill and Phil's big do at Lower Loxley. She's got the party pretty well sorted now - so all that remains is for Kenton to get the picture from the photographers, having been given the onerous task of ordering it. Kenton calls Kathy. He's been to pick up the picture - and disaster! He's ordered it in centimetres, but the photographer works in inches - the picture is huge! Kathy can't help but smile as he frantically tries to sort it out. Episode written by Tim Stimpson.