
The Archers - 13/07/2010

Logo for The Archers - 13/07/2010

Kenton apologises for not getting in till 3pm last night. He tries to make amends but Kathy's not pleased. She just hopes he hasn't forgotten Jamie's birthday next week. Kenton hasn't, but isn't thrilled at the thought of just the three of them going bowling. Brenda overhears a disagreement between Matt and Lilian He wants to visit a property but Lilian's priority is with helping Jolene today. As Lilian leaves, Matt tells Brenda he doesn't want to be disturbed. She assures him she's got plenty to get on with, and starts by ringing the highways department to enquire about the bridge upgrade at Hollerton - something Lilian should have done by now. Pip's meeting Izzy at Jaxx. While she waits, Kenton tries to cheer her up. Izzy reluctantly agrees to go with Pip to Jude's house. Pip discovers he's thrown all her stuff into a black bag and sobs at the realisation that he just thinks of her as rubbish. Izzy lets her cry but then does some straight talking. Deep down Pip knows Izzy's right. Everything was always about Jude. Izzy knows it's hard but maybe it's a good thing he's gone. Now Pip can get back to being herself again.