
The Archers - 12/08/2008

Logo for The Archers - 12/08/2008

Clarrie tells Emma that Ed doesn't need any distractions, or anything sending him off the rails again, and blames Emma for nearly losing both her sons. Emma assures Clarrie that she won't let Ed down this time. She insists she had no idea how Will's mind was working, and she thought they were just focusing on George. The sooner Will can see George, the better - even if it means Clarrie taking George over. Clarrie thinks that's just what Will needs. Emma insists she'll do everything she can for to get on with Will as friends. Oliver feels good. Mike already knows about the plans - Ed rushed round to tell him last night. Mike's happy for Oliver to stop worrying and take a break, but Mike could also do with the odd shift off so that he can get to the Millennium Wood for the dig. Caroline's pleased Oliver's got his enthusiasm back, but is worried about Will. Will tells her he's no use to anyone and even George would be better off without him. Caroline has to tell Clarrie that it isn't just George who Will doesn't want to see. He thinks it would be better if he left Ambridge altogether. Episode written by Mary Cutler.