
The Archers - 12/03/2009

Logo for The Archers - 12/03/2009

Joe and Clarrie are at Keeper's Cottage. Clarrie says there's a message for Eddie from Jazzer, wanting money he's owed. When Eddie returns, Clarrie wants the full story. Eddie tells her that he and Joe have been to Jaxx, to ask Ottie about the chocolate wrapper. The writing wasn't in Polish, but she recognised enough words to tell them the chocolate is a mild laxative! Clarrie's furious. He'll throw the lot away or she'll be reporting him. At Bridge Farm, Tom asks Eddie if he's seen his boar Harry, who's gone missing. Eddie says he'll keep an eye out. Tom's phone rings. It's Matt. Tom's delighted to hear from him but Matt stops him mid-flow. Matt tells him their deal's off. Circumstances have changed. Tom goes straight to the Dower House. Matt hands over Tom's paperwork, but Tom says that's not why he's there. Why has Matt changed his mind - he's stabbed him in the back. Matt admits they had an understanding, but they had nothing in writing. Later, Tom tells Brenda what's happened. She's very sympathetic. Tom can't work out what's changed or what he's going to say to Brian. Tom asks Brenda if she knows why Matt's backed out, but she says she has no idea. Episode written by Adrian Flynn.