
The Archers - 09/11/2008

Logo for The Archers - 09/11/2008

Tom gives Brian the bacon research. Brian's impressed but they need to find the right price at which to sell the bacon - this time profit should come before quality. Tom doesn't want to compromise the Tom Archer standards but agrees to go back to Carruthers to work out a way of producing quality dry-cured bacon at a good price. Tom hopes the sums add up. Jack's spent all night looking for something, which has left the house in disarray. Ian can't come till later, and to Peggy's dismay Jennifer turns up unexpectedly. Peggy insists she can manage. Nevertheless, she's grateful when Jennifer gets everything sorted. Jennifer hopes it will help when Jack starts back at the day centre tomorrow, and acknowledges that on the whole Peggy seems to be coping marvellously. They reminisce about Marjorie Antrobus's dedication to the poppy appeal over the years. Jennifer stays to keep the silence with Peggy, although Peggy ends up sleeping through it. Although Ian's happy to carry on helping, he wonders if it's time for Peggy to admit she's not really coping. Peggy admits she's not so sure anymore, and doesn't want to keep relying on Ian. Ian assures her she can. Episode written by Mary Cutler.