
The Archers - 08/06/2010

Logo for The Archers - 08/06/2010

Fallon cheerfully answers a call from Jolene, but her mother is in a state. Sid has died. Kathy receives the sad news from Lucy, Sid's daughter. Kathy's immediate thought is for Jamie. Kenton agrees they should tell him together. Kathy can't find the words, so Kenton breaks the news. Jamie can't take it in and Kenton hugs them both. Harry brings Fallon a cup of tea. She needs to open the pub but is still in shock. Harry quietly takes charge, and rings Lilian. Caroline hears the news and comes to help as well. Kenton promises to help Jamie. To Kathy's dismay he says he has to get back to Jaxx. But Kathy persuades him to find cover, so that they can all spend the afternoon together. The news spreads fast, and the pub is packed out with people reminiscing about Sid. Fallon calls Jolene. There's to be a post mortem, and she doesn't know what will happen after that. Fallon wishes she could be there with her. When Fallon hangs up, she cries her heart out. Harry gathers her into a hug, and lets her sob. Fallon wails that they're going to miss Sid so much. Episode written by Keri Davies.