
The Archers - 07/02/2007

Logo for The Archers - 07/02/2007

At the hunt, Caroline's trying to encourage Oliver to switch off but he in turn teases her about fretting over Grey Gables. He's enthusing over a new idea he's had for the dairy. The success of the cream has inspired him to think about making cheese. Caroline's exasperated but fondly indulges him. Much to Neil's amusement, Christopher sneaks home having exchanged all the clothing his mother bought for what he feels are much better options. Nervous Hayley goes in for her laparoscopy. She is relieved when she wakes up and can't remember a thing. The consultant tells her she should be ready to go back to work next week. One of her tubes was completely blocked but they managed to treat a minor blockage in the other one so it should now be clear. He advises her and Roy to forget IVF for a few months and try to conceive naturally. Later at home the pair agree it's good news and are feeling relieved and happy. It feels like they've moved a little closer to having a child together. Episode written by Adrian Flynn.