Jennifer warns Kathy that Lynda is looking for volunteers for the Millennium Wood celebrations, and for the picnic which is two weeks tomorrow. Lynda's put a notice in today's Echo. Kathy seems reluctant to confirm whether the whole family will be attending the picnic. Jennifer puts on a front when Kathy congratulates her on Alice's marriage. David and Brian discuss the harvest, the plans for the market and Alice and Chris' recent marriage. It's a shock taking it all in. David ponders the prospect of Pip going to America with Jude. What if they'd had a double wedding? Alice is feeling worse for wear and Jennifer doesn't offer any sympathy. But Jennifer's surprised to hear that Alice knows all about the wedding party. Emma let it slip last night. Alice can't wait and has invited plenty of friends already. Jennifer and Brian discuss plans for the party and how it's becoming a Horrobin-heavy event. Susan is expecting marquees and flowers. The only thing they can agree on is the date. Things are sour again between Kathy and Kenton after Kenton stays out all night.