
The Archers - 06/03/2009

Logo for The Archers - 06/03/2009

Caroline loathes having to let staff go. Oliver feels guilty for not being more supportive of Grey Gables, so he's made a decision to. He's going to retire from farming but is considering setting up a tenancy for Ed, who might be able to afford a reasonable rent plus a loan to buy the stock. Brian tells Matt he's washing his hands of his business interest with Tom but Matt's attention is elsewhere until Brian mentions Chalkman being in trouble. Matt's relieved to hear that Brian's guessing Chalky has woman trouble, and tells Brian he hasn't got time for gossip. Neil's pleased to hear Nic's moving back in with Will. Will hasn't told Eddie and Clarrie officially but Nic's got a school place for Jake so it's looking likely. Neil is busy painting the phone box. After being rebuffed by Caroline, Eddie tries to sell him chocolate, hoping he'll take a load like Jazzer did earlier. Matt's meeting with his solicitor, Russell, wasn't encouraging. Lilian assumes everything will be sorted when Chalkman gets back from America but Matt tells her straight. If things go badly when this comes to court, he's facing a seriously long stretch inside. Episode written by Adrian Flynn.