
The Archers - 05/03/2007

Logo for The Archers - 05/03/2007

Brian talks to Debbie about the possible options for the farm in the future. He tells her that he and Jennifer are considering buying a place in the sun and they would need to release capital to do it. He's even considered selling the farm. Debbie is alarmed by this and puts her case again for selling off their big machinery and using outside contractors to work the arable. Lilian tries to get to the stirrup cup at the Hunt but everyone knows what she's up to, so she doesn't get any alcohol. Oliver lets Ed put his case about the tainted milk and agrees to see if Ed's new feeding regime does the trick. Mike feels he's been over-ruled. If one customer cancels the order because of it, Ed'll be in trouble. Written by Carole Simpson Solazzo.